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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 5:14:26 GMT
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Robin whistled a tune as Sinistea floated beside her. The duo had spent the morning in Mauville getting a harness for Dragapult and people-watching. The shopping was fun, and so was Robin grabbing a cup of coffee, but now it was time for the real purpose for coming to Mauville: visiting Josh.

She entered his gym with a giant grin. "Alright, I'm ready for some introductions to your coolest ride pokemon!" She was excited to see Josh handle Zeraora without getting thrown off -- something she would not accomplish in her lifetime, she was sure. She also urged the shy Sinistea to float in front of her, beaming with pride at her hatched pokemon. She wanted Josh to see she was bonding well with her newest member of the team. She teased, "Just don't break the sound barrier; my ears are sensitive."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 2:19:41 GMT
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It would take the better part of a weekend to do so, but Josh was excited to show his many Pokémon, some of which were quite unusual. "Oh, you'll see I wasn't kidding when I have a whole army of them," he bragged as he opened the sliding door to the vast Mauville Raciing Grounds and its two dozen courses divided into six Sectors. Before them was his Zeraora, Raikiri. "Like I said, you're welcome to take any of them on a test run. They're all used to it from being involved in the Gym's riding classes. And yes, any of them includes Raikiri," he pointed to the Zeraora. "He can seat two, you know." The cocoon saddle may have provided some reassurance that she wouldn't be falling off, if that was what she chose.

Also assembled before her were an entire rainbow of Eeveelutions each the size of a small Rapidash. In a bygone age, they all would have been called Alphas due to their enormous size. All of them wore riding tack much like an equine Pokémon, though the Flareon's saddle was raised to prevent riders' feet from dragging on the ground. Being just shy of five feet tall, it was necessary for a grown man to ride the fire-type. The Shiny Sylveon, Pinky, sounded a low, almost alien-sounding squeal as she reached toward Robin with her feelers.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 233}
{PC: 1}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 18:42:52 GMT
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Robin's eyes were saucers as she looked over all of the pokemon Josh had collected. Holy magikarp, he was not kidding.

She looked at Raikiri with some hesitation -- she didn't want to jump in at the deep end when it came to ride pokemon, given she was still a novice. She lucked out with Hydreigon being mellow enough to ride, and Drakloak wasn't a hard egg to crack once she knew he liked to go 110% all the time. "Raikiri is all yours," she said with a smile, turning to look at his other pokemon. She held out a hand for Sylveon's feelers, laughing at the pokemon's curiosity.

Mastema came close, bumping his nose against her hand when Sylveon pulled back. "I didn't realize Togekiss were so large. What a gentle guy." She rubbed at his head, pleased with his chirruping. Behind him was the Espathra Expresso, a pokemon she had never seen before. "I'm surprised you find the time to gather so many pokemon with how busy you are." She had no idea where to start, though she liked the gentleness of the Togekiss.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 2:51:27 GMT
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It came as no surprise whatsoever that Robin was timid around Raikiri; the electric cat screamed blistering speed just by appearance. Cats were known for their speed, and this one looked fast as a lightning bolt. The Gym Leader took a seat on the feline's back and zipped his cocoon up, ready to kick things into high gear for a demonstration before he gave the grand tour of the Racing Grounds.

The Togekiss' gentle demeanor toward Robin caught Josh off guard. "Usually Mastema isn't so warm toward strangers," he mused, feeling his mount's heartbeat as voltage built up within the electric Pokémon's legs. "He must really like you." The Togekiss floated closer to Robin as though beckoning her to mount up. "Don't pressure her, Mastema. I don't think she's ever been on a Pokémon before, and flying is not a good first way to get that experience." Of course, if she had confidence in flying, Josh wouldn't say no.

"A lot of them came from investigating Space-Time Distortions as part of my Ranger duties," Josh explained, an insect-like hum interrupting him as a Dragonite that also wore a cocoon saddle touched down between Robin and the Leader. The most impressive part of the creature was not the size, but that his wings beat as fast as a hummingbird. "No Extreme Speed around Robin, Tiamat. Please." With a harumph, the Dragonite became still, waving toward Robin with about as much friendliness as could be expected out of the aggressive creature. "Tiamat here is one of the few Pokémon I have that actually can break the sound barrier," he explained, trying to honor his friend's request the best he could.

Lining up on the SPLIT OVAL's starting line, Raikiri looked ready to show Robin just how fast he could run.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 301}
{PC: 2}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
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5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 19:50:01 GMT
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Robin liked Mastema, moving a little behind him as Tiamat made himself and his insanely fast wings known. "Geez, these guys are fast..." She couldn't imagine the terror she'd feel if someone's Dragonite was coming at her so fast it broke the sound barrier. She felt her decision was made for her when Kion came up to her, letting her touch his warm mane. She appreciated the collection of Pyroar Josh had. While he had a focus on them, he had certainly not neglected other pokemon, much like Robin focused on ghosts but cared for several types.

"You wanna ride?" He didn't seem as mellow as the female Pyroar behind him, but something in his eye made Robin feel like she'd be in good hands. "Alright, Kion, I trust you." He lowered himself for her so she could get on easily, then lined up next to Raikiri, though Robin could already tell they would be lapped. "You don't have to race," she assured, "We can just travel leisurely."

Did the Pyroar just snort?

Oh, boy.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 5:42:52 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
If the Pokémon before Robin weren't the very fastest of their species in all of Hoenn, they were close. Even traditionally slower Pokémon, such as Gogoat, could put on quite a lot of speed under Josh's care. It was hard to tell what the Mauville Leader was known better for: making slow Pokémon fast, or making already fast Pokémon even more so.

Each of Josh's eight Pyroar had different personalities and different capabilities, just like people did. A silent smirk slowly formed on Josh's face as Kion volunteered to let the timid Ranger saddle up. Kion was among the smaller of his pride, and was not the greatest distance runner, but he could put on some real speed. All of his lions could, but Kion outclassed them all in that way. He wasn't afraid to show his speed, though he would respect Robin's wishes at first.

If Robin were to hold Kion's reins firmly, he would ease her from a trot to a canter. His saddle crafted for felines would reduce his much she felt the power behind the Pyroar's flexing back, but the running stroke was still more pronounced than an equine Pokémon she may have been used to.

"Alright, here we go!" Josh cried, leaning low on his Zeraora as the electric-type at first kept pace with Kion. The lion mimicked the striped cat's powerful purr the best he could, Robin perhaps able to feel its feedback. With tremendous acceleration feline Pokémon were renowned for, Josh and Raikiri zoomed around the oval-shaped raceway, their speed peaking faster than a race car. It was like watching a yellow comet circle around the course, the wake of the wind as they passed the fire-type perhaps startling Robin.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 293}
{PC: 4}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
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5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 7:26:35 GMT
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Sinistea chittered from the sidelines, cheering her and Kion on as they settled at the line. The initial pace was fine, Kion keeping a canter that was comfortable enough for her. She was used to being on dragons, but standard quadrupeds were different. Still, she waved at Sinistea as they made their way around the track, at ease.

And then Raikiri and Josh really committed.

Holy magikarp. If she blinked, she missed them passing her. The wind picked up from their speed whipped her hair around, forcing her eyes to close completely as her form grew tense. Kion edged them a little further from the faster duo, but he kept the same pace, minimizing the changes Robin experienced as the Zeraora moved at breakneck speeds. Robin eventually gathered her wits and pulled her hair out of her face, glad Kion had a solid head on his shoulders. Or, perhaps, it was just that all of Josh's pokemon were too used to this kind of environment to be shaken up by any kind of display of speed.

"Man, and he doesn't get sick from going that fast?" Her question was directed at Kion, who seemed to huff in response. Robin ran a hand through his mane, pleased with him. She wasn't sure she'd be able to walk after an experience like Zeraora was demonstrating. Moreover, she was glad Kion wasn't blown away by the displaced air from the speedier duo.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 18, 2023 14:37:44 GMT
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Robin may have been able to hear an excited cry from Josh as the thundercat roared past. Kion, used to the Gym Leader's antics, loudly purred, the guest possibly feeling feedback from it. He wanted to have Raikiri use his Quick Attack, too, but the course was too short; the turns needed to maintain boosted speed would be so sharp that even Josh would pass out in his cocoon. Instead, he gradually slowed Raikiri, circling the oval ahead of Robin and Kion one more time.

"Woohoo! What a ride!" Josh huffed in joy, not looking sick at all. Though it was obvious he had done this before many times, it never got old. There were few Pokémon in the world faster than Raikiri was, and many of them were gods. The canter that the electric-type matched was leisurely by Josh's standards, but he wasn't opposed to it; the feline's heart needed time to calm down, after all!

As the rest of Josh's pride ran near Kion, including the Shiny pride leader, Aslan, Josh pointed toward an exit lane leading toward the Racing Grounds' outer concourse. "Most of my water Pokémon are over that way if you want to meet any of them, too!" the Leader suggested. If they kept going past those, the terrain would give way to foothills where many of Josh's dragon Pokémon were roosting.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 230}
{PC: 5}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 1:24:35 GMT
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Kion's performance was good, but it didn't hold a candle to Zeraora's speed. Still, Robin greeted the other pride members warmly, eyes hanging on the shiny leader. Josh had an impressive collection of them already, but Robin was certain he would have a larger and more diverse pack before long.

"Water races, eh?" She followed him out, eager. Sinistea floated along side, chittering excitedly. "I have a Carracosta and Seadra, but not much else in the way of water types. I'd love to see what you've got in store." She hadn't really ridden on any water types except when Phione took her away, but the day that occurred was the darkest in Robin's history, and she didn't care to revisit it. "How many water types are large enough to comfortably ride?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 20:34:25 GMT
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As the two passed by the aquatic courses, Robin's inquiry prompted Josh to rein the thundercat to a stop. Several of the Leader's water Pokémon swam toward the wide course's bank, including a Dewgong, Sharpedo, Lanturn, and most odd of all, a Greninja. All of them were similarly geared, though the seat on the blue frog's back looked most unusual of the four. It was clear that for those who could withstand the dark-type's running stroke, they could zoom.

"I have a Kingdra, but she's on the other side of the channel," Josh answered. "If you can evolve your Seadra, it will make a fantastic aquatic mount. They can swim in any direction while independently facing any direction. They can even swim backwards!"

The question Robin raised was a good one. "That's... hard to answer. Other than these four, I have the aforementioned Kingdra, a Milotic, a Barraskewda, and a Vaporeon. Many of them are bigger than the norm for their kind, some of them substantially so. There are plenty of them to choose from, so you can find one that works. You can go for a swim with one of them if you want - I don't mind!"

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{PC: 6}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 4:03:06 GMT
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His collection was eclectic, though she was coming to expect that from Josh. She was most impressed with the Greninja. It was a pokemon she had considered getting for herself. She reached out to the Lanturn instead, letting its feelers approach her hands. "I want to get Seadra to Kingdra, but we've got some trust issues right now to work through. Unfortunately, the reason for that is also why water travel is so, uh, anxiety-inducing."

She loved the diversity of water pokemon, and they looked so free in their habitats. But she wasn't ready to get into the water yet. "More for you," she insisted. "I recently saw a Wailord in person for the first time and gosh... I think there are a lot of water types I'm not brave enough to ever try, haha." They were docile enough, but they were so gigantic. Sea travel only, those guys. "I heard Barraskewda is the fastest water pokemon. Can you keep up with one on any of your others?" As she asked, Sinistea came close, as if sensing her discomfort with sea travel. She chittered around just above the water, watching the pokemon in the tanks.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 20:34:19 GMT
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The very nature of Josh's gym challenge, and his position in Ranger leadership, necessitated he had a large menagerie of Pokémon. He routinely loaned out his Pokémon for other Rangers to ride when they were on the squad he was supervising. As unusual as some of them were for the task, most of them looked obedient. "Pokémon can be frightening if you don't understand them," Josh gently answered, empathizing with Robin. "If it would help you, I can whistle for Keiga and you can go for a ride on her. She's my Kingdra. She's reliable and won't let you fall."

Regardless of whether Robin was willing to face her fears in front of Josh, he would relate his own problems with the species. "They're just too big to keep at the Gym. They're so big you could comfortably fit a couple dozen people on them. I just have no place to keep one here. Almost everyone who raises a Wailord either lives on the coast or on one of the islands surrounding the mainland."

Josh perked up when Robin mentioned Barraskewda. "It's pretty well-known in the sports world that won one of the first celebrity Pokémon races with a Barraskewda, right in Mauville Bay. Ripley, my own Barraskewda, is incredibly fast, but I'm still getting used to riding on him. They're really sensitive to control; I'm just more comfortable with my Sharpedo if I need to go fast in the water." He had only recently had Ripley fitted, too; the Barraskewda was still getting used to swimming while wearing a saddle.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{PC: 7}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 22:58:02 GMT
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Sinistea chimed happily at the idea of the Kingdra, so Robin finally relented. Josh had never led her wrong. She would at least play with the Kingdra, even if riding felt out of the question. She came closer to the tank to rest her hand in the water whether Josh whistled for Keiga or not. She couldn't help but smile at the idea of Josh making room for a Wailord here. "Yeah, they're kind of intimidating. They're no Joltik. I think you could host a million of those in your gym, easy." Her pokemon teams were mostly standard-sized, ranging from half her height to only a little taller. Dragapult was her largest, and he was just nine feet tall.

"Sensitive to control? I didn't know there were still challenges you had to face as a rider." It was light teasing. Josh was a well-seasoned rider, so it was hard to picture a pokemon too hard to for him. Still, she wasn't she could even hold onto the Barraskeweda, even with a saddle. They were so smooth and physically dynamic for their rapid speeds. "If I experiment with more ride pokmeon in rotation, I might get the practice to get into those celebrity races. Though... I'm not sure that's what I want to be known for." She laughed. "I think it's gotta be hard to juggle the needs of all these pokemon on top of your responsibilities. You let people tour your pokemon often? I bet the interaction's really good for 'em."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 24, 2023 6:36:59 GMT
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Josh whistled for Keiga, the saddled Kingdra surfacing and letting Robin play with her. The regal dragon was at first hesitant to allow the Ranger to touch her, though she warmed up when it was clear she would be treated with the respect she deserved. She started swimming backwards much like a Seadra could, showing her great manuverability and agility in the water. "Sadly, even the largest Galvantula I've been able to find can't bear my weight," Josh replied. "As fun as it would be to wall-climb and slingshot around, they just don't have the strength. A smaller person might be able to, though."

Clyde the Flareon was barely large enough to carry Josh around. Some Pokémon, such as Galvantula and Ninjask, were large enough but lacked the strength. Others, like Butterfree, were strong enough but were not large enough for a human to fit on their backs. Having a Butterfree latch onto a tracker's back to carry them was not unheard of, but their backs were simply too small to sit on.

"Yeah, Robin," Josh confirmed. "Barraskewda can make really tight turns. If you pull on Ripley's reins as hard as you can with one hand, you'll move in small circles and probably go flying off." It was less that Barraskewda were uncontrollable and more that their full capabilities were beyond that which a human could reasonably withstand. While all of the Gym employees' responsibilities included caring for the Leader's Pokémon to some extent, Robin did have a good point. Perhaps he should hire a dedicated team of Pokémon caretakers, especially as his menagerie grew. It was already one of the largest in Hoenn, and all his Pokémon were so big, too!

"I do," Josh chirped back, "and I make sure everyone gets their money's worth!" Normally, this was something he charged the general public for, but Robin had been so helpful on their Ranger tickets that he felt he had to return the favor. "Eventually I want to have one of every common ride Pokémon at the Gym. If there are any Pokémon you're interested in learning with, just say the word. If there's one here, you can practice with them!" By now, the rest of Josh's pride had caught up, several of them looking to nuzzle Kion.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 386}
{PC: 8}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
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5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 24, 2023 22:46:41 GMT
robin coello Avatar

Josh mentioned something she hadn't considered before: the weight a pokemon could withold. Some bug types were big enough for people, but she hadn't realized they wouldn't have the ability to carry a person because of being weighed down. Fortunately, the riding pokemon Robin liked so far were dragons, so that wasn't an issue she had. She nodded along as Josh explained how well a Barraskewda could move. "It'd be cool to see one in the wild running evasive maneuvers. It sounds like it'd be hard to keep track of 'em." Though, she didn't often find herself out at seas these days.

His offer was generous. Instead of a specific pokemon, she had never experienced riding a pokemon while climbing, only flying or walking. "I could use practice with staying seated on a pokemon while climbing, but I'm not sure who would be best to practice that with. I've recently found some interest in caves, especially ones filled with ghosts, but... I worry about my capacity to get around in caves." She wasn't sure she had any strong climbers among her team anyways, but it wasn't like she would be visiting a cave alone for a long time.

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